Saturday, March 12, 2016

Super Saturday Update

Super Saturday in the gym with deadlifts after a Bulletproof Cereal breakfast.

1A) Power Clean
1B) Mobility

2A) Trap Bar Deadlift - worked up to 355x3
2B) Incline Bench

Off to an airport hotel and then an early morning flight Denver. Thus begins a 20 day road trip that includes a trip to and some photos with Daniel Woodrum, of course, and hanging out with a few other CTTs.

Unfortunately that means 20 days without ol' Bally the Dog. He'll be excited when he sees me again...but hopefully not this excited:

Some dogs show excitement by wagging their tails. Bally the Dog shows his excitement by puking up his lunch. Such was the case last week when he was picked up at the kennel and brought home. Two minutes after getting in the house and making his rounds with a ferociously wagging tail, he then proceeded to puke up his lunch. I don’t know why he does this, but it ain’t the first time it’s happened. Never a dull moment with ol’ Bally!

In Nutrition News...

Cool to see Fasting Guru Brad Pilon in the news, and, quoted correctly. 

Another happy PDF reader enjoying their kit...

"Thanks to Craig Ballantyne for the Perfect Day Formula and Tony Gentilcore for the awesome new shirt." - Ryan Ketchum

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Take full responsibility for your work environment and behaviors. Everything you do sets you up for success or puts another obstacle in your way.

Take it on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Great TT & HWR feedback on FB today...

"I've ever seen Turbulence Training since i was in Senior High School (16 y.o in 2010). That time, i really want to purchase one off TT Program but i didn't have credit card. Lately i've been doing Yoga and actually enjoy it so much by practicing daily for half an hour per day. As a fresh graduated Bachelor of Medical, now i understand why there are so many people say they don't have time to workout. Although one hour is just 4% of a day, i find that it is still hard to find enough time to practice .. sometimes we are just too busy to workout for an hour. Suddenly i remembered you, Craig Ballantyne 2 days ago and i searched for your program. i purchased your HWR program and BIG THANK to you, i've been doing your 4 mins metabolic miracles 2 days in a row. i know i won't miss my workout anymore!" - Wiseley Hong, Jakarta

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