Monday, March 28, 2016

Easter Bunny Brought Deadlifts

Yay, when I looked under the Easter bush (what, you don't put up an Easter bush?) on Sunday morning, I was happy to see a bag of deadlifts. Hurray. It was going to be an Easter miracle.

And so, after a big breakfast, I walked over to the Colorado Athletic Club for my workout of:

1A) Power Cleans

1b) Pushups

2A) Deadlifts

2b) Mobility

3A) Bulgarian Split Squat

3b) Bench Press

Excellent workout. What a great start to a cold, but sunny Sunday in Denver.

Then it was off to Whole Foods to stock up on... whole foods.

And then the mall to buy some jeans and a computer cord.

One more week in Denver and then it's back to the farm for a few weeks.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

If the people you hang around with are negative, find new friends. Do not let toxic people drag you down. There is no shortage of folks out there who are happy to help you reach your goal. Do NOT stay in your comfort zone. It’s more dangerous to do that than it is to seek out new solutions to your problem. There are a lot of people with the same goals as you. Find them! Get help!

But make sure you're a good person in other people's lives:

Do not be the person you do not want to be. Do not make the mistakes you do not want to make. Plan ahead for problems. Identify and avoid temptations. Create solutions to overcome obstacles. Implement rituals to deliver you from temptation. Use your rules for living to rely less on willpower and discipline. Build strong habits. Make the right actions automatic. Set yourself up for success and eliminate regrets and guilt.

Make the right decisions right now,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Woohoo! T'is that time of year...

Time to start thinking about my annual trip to Europe.

The 7th Annual BlackSmith Camp has been announced... listen to the great opportunity here... don't miss my "Chipotle Approach to Life"

To apply, go to

Following that path means you’re likely to end up with a mountain of student debt and an incredibly expensive piece of paper that guarantees neither job security nor even a real education.

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