Friday, February 05, 2016

Deadlifting after Denver

This is the big news in my world today.

Here's the link to my 4th time being on the Jason Ferruggia show


It includes 3 things I learned from owning a dog...and I explain my Perfect Day Formula and goal setting methods.

There is also another podcast...below. My goal is 100 of them this year, and I'll post each good one.

Today's Workout

Back to the gym in lil' ol' Stratford after a Deload week in Denver and a smooth journey home yesterday...

1A) Hang Clean
1B) Mobility

2A) Deadlift
2B) Mobility

3A) Bench Press
3B) Goblet Bulgarian Split Squat

Now a weekend to relax, read, and write. For the past 5 years I've spent Superbowl weekend with my friend Joel Marion and 50 of our friends and fitness colleagues down in Florida. But not this year. Instead, I'm hibernating and hiding out up on the farm.

And I'm really, really going to enjoy it.

The weather's fine, the dog is funny, and the weekend will be great.

Hope you enjoy yours wherever you are.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Build others UP because it will only make you more successful. If you don't have social support, take charge as the leader. Be confident in your choices. People will respect your decisions, even if it seems at first that they don't. Eventually, a lot of people will come to you for advice and support. You are the one making the right decision. Never forget that. And never give up on what really matters to you and your family. Take care of yourself first so that you have the energy and strength for others. You can do it.

Have an amazing weekend,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Here's the 2nd podcast...

How Does Your Perfect Day Look? Learn How to Create Your Dream Day with

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