Monday, January 04, 2016

This has to end :(

Just as I was heading out to get a quick workout in this morning, I got a frantic text from Missi…

You see, our private coaching program is filling up FAST and we don’t want to let too many people in, because our #1 goal is providing high-quality, PERSONAL value to every one of our members, and because the Swedish Weight Loss Solution depends on working with a limited number of coaching clients.

So we made a last minute decision to put a cap on the number of private coaching members we’ll be accepting in this exclusive transformation program.

Final Chance to Join the Private Transformation Coaching Program

The good news is we have a few spots left and I saved one personally for you, but they’ll definitely be gone in the next hour or two…

So if you want to FINALLY lose those frustrating pounds that never seem to budge no matter what you try…

And you’re sick and tired of trying to figure it out on your own with little results to show for all the hard work you put in…

Then you need to let Missi and I personally help you, so we can end this viscous cycle once and for all.

Burn More Fat in the Next 30 Days Than You Did Last Year

Look, the ONLY reason you aren’t 100% happy with the way you look and feel is because you haven’t had an expert showing you the proven path.

It’s NOT because you’re lazy…

It’s NOT because you lack the willpower…

And it’s definitely NOT because you aren’t willing to put in the work.

That’s why I’m so excited to help action takers like you with this step-by-step coaching program. However…

The spots are going FAST and we have to shut this down soon, so this is your absolute last chance to get in before we close the doors for good.

Final Chance to Join the Private Transformation Coaching Program

Once the doors close, Missi and I will be putting all our focus toward our great group of members.

I hope you’re one of the lucky ones using the newfound Swedish Solution for rapid and permanent results.

Final Chance to Join the Private Transformation Coaching Program

Helping make 2016 your best year ever,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

  PS – There’s one thing you MUST realize about yourself…

…Taking the time to read this means you’re part of the 1% who gets it and DESERVES life-changing results, so you can live your best life ever. For you and your family. But you must act now.

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