Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Denver CASS-Free Squat Workout

You did it again. Your accountability helped me make the right choices at the airport and on the airplane yesterday.

I love salted, roasted nuts, but the kind you can get at the airport are always roasted in undesirable oils, and often are coated with wheat (most folks don't know that).

I survived with walnuts, not roasted and covered with junk...all thanks to my accountability to you that helped me avoid this temptation and follow my motto: "Make the right decision, right now, for your right life. Always."

While yesterday was not CASS-Free, today was, and I even managed to do a no-caffeine squat workout...with decent results.

Before we get to the workout, here's some exciting news.

Master CTT, and MC of the TT summit, Brian Kalakay was on TV.

As Daniel Woodrum, our Director of CTT said, "
The one and only MC Brian Kalakay was recently on the news sharing his New Year's health and fitness tips. There are a select few people in the world who are as good on camera as TT MC Brian. Even when he's sitting down doing an interview you can feel the passion and excitement. Don't miss this year's TT Summit in Denver to get a full dose of the high energy Brian."

Today's Workout in Denver:

1A) KB Swing

1B) Mobility

2A) Squat

2B) Mobility

3) High rep squat - Hit a personal best of 185x20

4) DB Step-ups

Not bad, but Denver's altitude made it a little harder. I guess that caffeine could have helped. :)


Today’s Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

You must follow my 5 Pillars of Success if you want to change any aspect of your life: 1) Plan & Prepare Better Than Before; 2) Get Professional Accountability; 3) Recruit Positive Social Support; 4) Choose a Meaningful Incentive; 5) Set The BIG Deadline. You must put these in place for your success.

Bring the energy,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Had extra gratitude yesterday...

Here's why:

Yesterday my car to the airport was to pick me up at 12:30pm in Delray. I  saw it waiting, but jotted off a few more emails.

Fifteen minutes into the trip, we became stuck in a traffic jam due to a serious accident.

We waited an hour...and then traffic freed up. Seconds later we drove past a demolished Corvette that had wedged itself under the rear-end of a transport truck...a stark reminder of how life can change in an instant.

I ended up making it to the airport with 30 minutes to spare...that's the great thing about being early.

And I was grateful for my safe trip, smooth flight, and getting back to the office in DVR.

Be extra grateful tonight for the little things in life.


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