Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Transformation and Travel Plans

Diet was the same as yesterday. Some caffeine because I thought I was going to lift weights, but changed my mind at the last minute. Ooops.

Instead of a workout I did a bike ride around the river in unseasonably warm temperatures. I got out of Denver just in time before the snow.

I'm loving this time of year with it's early sunsets. Of course, as soon as January 1st hits, I'm happy to get out of here! I'll be heading to Denver and Miami in early January, and plan to spend at 100 workdays in at ETR HQ in Denver in 2016. I'll be there more than ever, and away from the farm more than ever, too.

Time to enjoy the final weeks of 2015 - with just one last 10 day trip to Denver for our Toys for Tots shopping extravaganza on December 5th. No American Thanksgiving for me though, this year. I'll be working and enjoying a regular Thursday up here in Canadia.

But I'm looking forward to thinking up some BIG prizes and a big personal transformation for the 25th TT Contest starting right after Christmas. Our top prize will probably (don't quote me) airfare and hotel to the 2016 TT Summit that will be held in Denver in early June.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

The life we lead is because of the choices we make. These are the friends we've chosen. This is how we have decided to spend out time. This is how we've decided to take care of ourselves. Our choice, no one else. If we want our lives to change, we have to take responsibility for the world we create for ourselves.

You must implement the 5 Pillars of Transformation to make BIG changes. Plan and prepare better. Get professional accountability. Recruit positive social support. Give yourself an incentive. Set a Big Deadline.

And act!

focus, Focus, FOCUS on what REALLY matters. => Action

Push on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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