Monday, November 16, 2015

Sunday Squats

Saturday was a CASS-Free travel day, but dang, I was tired. Maybe the nap I had in the car from the hotel to the airport made me more tired. Not sure. But I held off from caffeine before and during the flight, even though I had a 90-minute drive home from the airport after a 3 hour flight. Fortunately I snuck in a nap before landing. That helped me stay alert for the drive home that ended just as the sunset Saturday night. Very pretty little drive.

Today, Monday, will be CASS-Free. No workout. Just a lot of work and phone calls with the ETR HQ back in Denver. Love that team!

Sunday morning was a different story. I slept late (due to the 2-hour time change going east) and then had some pre-workout caffeine with breakfast. A couple of hours later, after doing some writing, I went to the YMCA to hit the rack.

The workout went like this:

1A) Speed Squat

1B) Mobility

2A) Squat - 5x6 at 235

2B) Mobility

3A) BB Lunge

3B) Leg Curl

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Surround yourself with people who are better, smarter, happier, stronger, fitter, wealthier, friendlier, funnier, and wiser than you. Hang around people who are more successful, more disciplined, more family-oriented, more connected, more experienced, more energized, more loving, more relaxed, and more generous. Learn from everyone.

Act to attract,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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