Monday, November 02, 2015

Oooppsie about Missi

Ugh, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault.

Yesterday I sent you an email about Missi's 21-Day Coaching program and the bonus that was only available if you joined on Sunday.

But then, boy oh boy, did I hear it from you this morning.

"Gimme a break, Craig!" you said, "NO ONE checks their email on Sunday night... so it's not fair to miss out on this bonus."

And you're right. I'm sorry.

Missi agreed too. She's been shaking her head at me all morning.

So to make it up to you, we've extended the deadline to get the fast action bonus until tonight at midnight.

When you join Missi's coaching today, you'll get to jump on the Rapid Results Kick-Start call with her, too.

Here's the email I sent last night that explains everything...


There are only 7 hours left for you to get started in our 21-Day Holiday Weight Loss Challenge AND receive the Fast Action Bonus coaching call with Missi Holt.

Don't miss out on the EXACT plan you need to survive the holidays and even LOSE weight before Christmas. You'll get the meal plan and exercise videos you need to lose weight and look and feel great over the busy holiday season.

In just 21 days from now, you'll be a brand NEW you, ready to fit in your favorite holiday party outfits.

And don't worry if you've struggled to keep the weight off during past holiday seasons. That wasn't your fault. You just didn't have this Done-For-You Holiday Weight Loss Guide and that's why you weren't able to lose weight while still enjoying the parties.

But this year, it's going to be different. Your personal coach, Missi, is here for you, to give you the EXACT diet and FOLLOW-ALONG exercise videos that you need to lose weight - and fit back into your party outfits - in just 3 weeks.

Get Access to the 21-Day Holiday Weight Loss Challenge

But hurry, the doors close soon on this special event and we’re only giving the Fast Action Bonus coaching call to eager readers that join today.

If you wait until tomorrow to get started, then you'll miss out. Don't make that mistake. Get started today, accelerate your results, and transform your body, your mind, and your life.

You’ve come this far… don’t stop… your time is NOW!

Here’s to your amazing Holiday Weight Loss results in the next 21 days with Missi on your side.

Get started now and enjoy the Fast Action Bonus with Missi

To your best holiday season ever,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer


PS - Do this…

Learn from your mistakes. Mistakes are actually great things that happen to all of us… because with the knowledge you gain from them, you are able to achieve the big goals in your life.

Start now, start today, and get Missi’s help to achieve your big goals and dreams.

Click here to join the 21-day Holiday Weight Loss Challenge with Missi


1 comment:

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