Wednesday, November 04, 2015

LA to Meathead Movember

CASS-Free Day to LA. Started with a great hotel gym workout. Details below.

Then it was off to the airport and my 5-hour flight to LA.

I love the early morning flight from the East coast to LA. It's like a time machine. Get on board, enjoy a meal, do 2 hours work, have a nap, eat a snack, and land only "2.5 hours" later. It's the flight back to the East Coast that I dislike because you lose a day to travel and it's not long enough for a proper overnight. Now about that flight and my diet challenges...

The good news: Terminal 1 at Toronto's Airport now has boxed water...different brand name, this one is called Just Water. Light blue box. Good enough. Bought a couple of those for the flight.

The good news 2: Skipped the airplane breakfast, you never know what's in that stuff. Had two glasses of tomato juice along with walnuts, an Exo bar (tastes like crickets), an almond protein bar (from Dr. Peter Osborne's company), and an apple.

The bad news: I had mixed nuts on the never know what ingredients go into those...but dang, warm mixed salted cashews are a weakness. Oh well. I feel fine. No digestive issues from it.

More importantly to my challenge, no plastic bottles or Coke Zero.

Back to this morning's was done at the Sheraton Airport Hotel in Toronto, and I'll be honest, I went full Meathead for old times sake. I did high reps 15-30 for every set of every exercise. In and out in 25 minutes.

1A) Triceps Pressdown
1B) Leg Extensions
1C) Shrugs
1D) Leg Extensions
1E) DB Curls

3 rounds of the circuit. Good times. Should be interesting to see how I feel tomorrow. I'm pretty sure the triceps will be sore. Not sure about quads.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Ask the big question...What do you really want to achieve in life? Then think, are the people I'm spending time with helping me achieve this? "The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best," said Epictetus

... So become the person you need to be to achieve what you want to achieve. Most people want you to remain in your comfort zone. They resist and hate change. They believe they are stuck and want you to remain stuck with them. You must not harbor any bitterness or resentment against those that try to hold you back. They know not what they do.

Stay strong and never give up on what is important to you...even if that means taking a big step out of your comfort zone. Stay strong and keep on pushing on.

Time for a big work weekend,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Happy Movember.

Support the cause.

Make it a Turbulent Movember with a young Magnum, TT, Craig Selleck.

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