Sunday, November 01, 2015

Happy November 1st

Happy November 1st!

Today is a big day. It’s just as exciting as New Year’s Day. Here’s why…

Last night you probably ate and drank too much, just like New Year’s Eve. Here in North America, you might be waking up with a chocolate hangover, thanks to your little ones and their Halloween haul. It’s a classic case of delicious Treats… followed by Belly Fat Trickery!

You probably don’t feel so great. But that all changes today.

You see, I love it when a new month starts on a Sunday or Monday. It’s a double dose of that “Starting All Over Again” feeling.

So why not start again with a positive “I’m going to change” outlook today? 

“You could just as easily change your life today as any other day. You don’t need to wait for January 1st,” says my mentor, Dan Kennedy.

You don’t need to gain weight for the rest of 2015.

Let’s see what you can change in the next 21 days. You CAN – and WILL – get rapid results, lose weight, and get rid of your belly BEFORE Thanksgiving.

Not sure how to change?

One of my super trainers, Missi Holt, CTT, has ALL the answers you need. She’s spent the last month working day and night to deliver a brand new 21-Day Rapid Results & Holiday Survival Coaching program.

With Missi’s personal coaching on your side, and access to her diet & exercise program, and a private Facebook group, you’ll finally overcome your bad habits.

So YES, there is still time to achieve your big goals in 2015. And it all starts with Missi’s 21-Day ‘take-you-by-the-hand-and-coach-you’ Rapid Results program.

Click here to see if Missi will let you join her program

PLUS, if you join Missi's private 21-Day coaching program BEFORE midnight tonight, you'll also get exclusive access to a FAST-Start, Rapid Results coaching call this week. But again, that's ONLY if you get started today.

Get Instant Access to the NEW 21-Day Coaching program today

Happy 1st!

Taking care of you all year long,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer


PS – Forget about last night if things went wrong…

…It’s over. There’s nothing you can do about it. Focus on the future.

It’s OK if you get off track once in a while. It’s minor damage that can be dealt with.

Here’s the #TRUTH…

If one pound of fat is 3500 calories, you’d have to eat an extra 7 Big Mac’s to gain a pound. That’s an excessive amount of calories… so don’t worry, you didn’t overeat by 7 Big Macs over the weekend. You didn’t really gain a pound of fat.

Maybe you ate a little more, but it’s the salt and fluid retention that are showing up on the scale. Just get back on track today, drink extra water, avoid sugar, salt and trans-fats today, use my short, burst workouts, and that weight will WHOOOOOSH right off of you. You’ll be back on track in no time.

Click here to get your Fat Loss WHOOOOSH with Missi’s Help

Take a deep breath, forgive yourself the mistakes of the past, and let’s move on to a better day today. Stay strong and push on, I know YOU can do it!

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