Friday, October 16, 2015

Squats in Toronto

Not a lot of CASS-Free living these days. I had another round of caffeine before my workouts on Thursday and Friday. And tomorrow will need it as well for writing and my first heavy upper body workout in a while. Sunday will be CASS-Free. Time for one more meeting with a young gun from the BlackSmith camp and then some travel from Toronto back to the farm.

Today's workout was okay. I was little messed up going from West to East, so I didn't have a record sleep. I also had an early dinner yesterday, so maybe I didn't eat enough. Still, I had some caffeine and a good breakfast today and by the time I hit the gym I was at least "normal", although still not superpumped to lift. Oh well, I struggled strong through it.

1A) Squat
1B) Stability Ball Leg Curl - hadn't done these in a while

2A) Smith Machine Split Squat - it's good for these...more quad focus
2B) Mobility

3A) Walking Lunges
3B) Lower Body Stretching

My calves and Achilles have been bothering me lately (from all the walking I do), but feel a lot better today. I'm also seeing my ART therapist/chiro today so he'll tune them in.

Tomorrow I'll do upper body: chinups, military press, and rows, plus some rowing intervals. Sunday is off, and Monday or Tuesday will be deadlift day.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
If you want better people in your life, you have to become a better person. Great people attract great people. So get better & become great.

Go on and get better than good,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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