Friday, October 09, 2015

Friday gifts for you

Hey, Happy Friday!

Hope you're getting ready for an amazing weekend. I'll be hiking in Denver and flying to Las Vegas on Sunday. Look for a really interesting workout and nutrition report on Wednesday of next week.

Until then, I have some FREE goodies for you.

Ladies =>
Get your Slim Body Secrets & Workout here

Men => Get your meal plan & workout to gain muscle & lose fat here

Use those tips to stay STRONG this weekend, and remember…

You must avoid the "cardio confessional Monday mindset." Sixty minutes on the elliptical will not make up for the sins of a 2000-calorie appetizer at Applebee's.

On the bright side, eating a 2000-calorie app still won't cause you to gain 3 pounds of fat. Your weekend weight gain is mostly WATER. It will be gone by Tuesday, naturally.

So do your best this weekend and then get back on track with your TT plan on Monday – but SKIP the cardio.

Always make the right decisions – right now – for your right life.

And get these FREE goodies today.

Ladies =>
Get your Slim Body Secrets & Workout here

Men => Get your meal plan & workout to gain muscle & lose fat here


Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

  PS – Bonus weekend tip!

Plan to unplug this weekend with 5 straight (waking!) hours without your phone or Internet access.

Go for a walk. Do extra prayer or meditation. Go to brunch with PEOPLE, NOT your phone. Smiling face (black and white)

Plan and prepare to make this a reality and eliminate obstacles that could get in your way.

Focus on the moment. Have a mindful morning.

Because really…

"How will you measure your life?"

It will not be by money or stuff. It will be measured in Relationships, Experiences, Love, & Legacy.

Look at how you are living and the future you are chasing. Are you doing the right things with your time for your right life measurements?

Make the right changes for your family, friends, health, and how you build your career.

Fix what matters. Forget what doesn't. Reach out and repair a relationship. Step-up and make it right!

Then take a moment to be grateful for what you have.

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