Friday, October 09, 2015

Denver Diet Squats and Rowing Challenge

Pre-workout caffeine. Appreciated. Enjoyed. Effective!

Great training session to start the day.

But no alcohol or artificial sweeteners, of course.

This is day 8 of Vegan Paleo.

That streak will end Monday night at JG Steakhouse at Aria...and then definitely won't start again the next night when Bedros and I visit Bazaar, the hot new steakhouse in Vegas. Maybe I'll get back on the plan on Wednesday.

We'll see.

Today's workout was not cardio...although I hit some hard intervals at the end and had to do a walkabout after the front squats.

1A) Speed Squat
1B) Mobility

2A) Squat
2B) Mobility

3) Front Squat High Reps

4) RDL

5) Rower interval - just missed the 90 second cut-off time for 500 meters...that's what you need to hit in order to be Men's Health Fit. That's my new Transformation Contest mini-challenge.

New Article:

By Craig Ballantyne and Daniel Woodrum, Master CTT

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
If you are frustrated, stop and make a list of the progress you have made today, this week, and this year. Have your team & family do this as well, and remind them – during troubled times – of how far they have come. Seeing progress is one of the most motivating factors for all of us.

Push on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Don't apologize for living your life the right way.

Life is simple… ... Give more. Need less. Do all that you say you will do. Follow the Golden Rule. Take action. Add value. The end.

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