Sunday, October 04, 2015

Burn 200 calories by eating

you're about to discover how to burn more calories EATING than you could with 20 minutes of slow cardio!

A recent study from the University of Massachusetts said that eating 30 grams of fiber helps YOU shed an extra 130 calories per day – WITHOUT exercise.

And according to registered dietician, Tanya Zuckerbrot, the digestion of fiber burns off another 75 calories.

So just by eating 30 grams of fiber per day, you can lose over 200 calories… it would take you over 20 minutes of doing slow, boring cardio to burn 200 calories. Wouldn't you rather be cooking and eating than spending hours doing cardio? That's why you can use this diet secret to stay lean 365 days a year - even over the holidays when you eat a LOT more.

Even better, fiber helps activate your healthy, skinny bacteria in your digestive system. And YES, according to a great book (Gut, by Giulia Enders) there is such thing as GOOD (weight loss) bacteria and BAD (weight gaining) bacteria in your belly.

It's why some people can eat more and burn more, while others get stuck at a weight plateau even when they starve themselves.

The secret to getting more GOOD weight loss bacteria is eating the right foods.

But you do NOT need to starve yourself on rabbit food to do this, or to lose weight.

You can pack the flavor and sneak some fiber into delicious foods that you can eat at EVERY meal, from breakfast to dinner (and even pre-bedtime snacks). Even better, you can do this with your favorite Holiday meals.

But the ONLY person that can show you how to do this is a professionally trained Chef, like Chef Gui Alinat, who has countless fat-burning recipes he will share with you.

So let's get you eating more, burning more, and losing more. You'll be able to do this today, through the holidays, and every day for the rest of your life with these brand NEW and IMPROVED holiday recipes.

Arrow red  Get Instant Access to Full Flavor Fat Loss Holiday Meals here

But hurry, today's the FINAL day that these are available.

You must take action now.

And the best news of all… is that action you must take is to eat MORE food!

So enjoy an early start to the holiday season with our professionally fixed high-flavor, good-fiber, healthy belly recipes.

And start eating more to burn more,

Your Free Daily Workout Crew
PS - Seriously, today is your last chance to get these at such a big discount.

The offer expires tonight.

Don't miss out on your chance to eat amazing meals while boosting your GOOD weight loss bacteria that will give you a flat belly… and all without sacrificing flavor.

Arrow red  Get Instant Access to Full Flavor Fat Loss Holiday Meals here

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