Wednesday, October 14, 2015

1 quick exercise tip

Wow. Last night we went to the Michael Jackson Cirque de Soleil show here in Vegas. Later I’ll share the training secrets that allow these dancers to stay slim & sexy all year round… even when they’re on holiday.

It was an epic night. We even had a backstage tour.

But for now, I have one quick tip to give you. It came to me as I was doing my bodyweight workout at the hotel gym on Monday morning. While I was doing Bulgarian Split Squats, I noticed a woman making a big exercise mistake.

She was doing a lot of burpees… but she was doing them with poor form. She didn’t go down all the way. And when she jumped back up, her feet barely left the ground.

It looked like she wasn’t even trying. She was just ‘cheating’ her way through a high-rep circuit.

She was making the mistake of Quantity over Quality, and we all know how that turns out.

Here’s my advice to you:

When doing high-rep bodyweight exercises, do fewer reps, but BETTER reps.
Two inch pushups don't count. Sorry!

I know that approach is harder, but you’ll get better results that way.

Now here’s some good news. It will be EASIER to do things the RIGHT way if you have a proper coaching taking you through each exercise and giving you the motivation you need.

I’d LOVE to be that coach for you.

And more good news... You don’t have to fly to Toronto to train with me in order to have the BEST workout EVER.

You can get amazing and fast results in the comfort of your own home using these:

The NO-Equipment bodyweight exercise DVDs ** on sale for 51% off **

In this videos I’ll be on your TV screen showing you PERFECT form and taking you through every single PERFECT repetition of every workout so that you get amazing – and FAST results – and rapidly transform your body without ever having to go to a big, intimidating gym. We’ll do this together in the comfort of your home.

Beat it,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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