Saturday, September 26, 2015

Triple Big News in the CTT world

WoW! We have three big announcements in the CTT world below. But first, my HIT workout.

Today turned into a one set, high-intensity training day for some exercises. I wanted to set a record. I tried in the 1-Arm KB press (failed), DB Row (tied previous), and TRX Row (mission accomplished).

It was an upper body meathead non-traditional classic. Yes, I know that non-traditional classic is an oxymoron. But I said it was a meathead workout, didn't I? :)

Here's how it went down:

1) TRX Row - personal best of 22 reps

2A) DB 1-Arm Row - tied personal best of 90x14 reps
2B) KB 1-Arm Standing Press - missed personal best of 21 reps with 35lbs

3A) Ab Wheel
3B) Bend Pull
3C) Power Wheel Jackknife

4A) DB Curl
4B) TRX Triceps Extension
4C) TRX Rear Delt Raise

That's it. Long morning walk and afternoon bike ride tomorrow. Weather is amazing here in SoOn (southern ontario, LOL).

On the diet front, I stuck to the mini-challenges:
- No water from plastic bottles
- No coke zero
- No alcohol

I had some protein powder with stevia today, and a Zevia cola (sweetened with Stevia). Tomorrow will be CASS-Free.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Find your calling as quickly as possible and add value to the world. Take action and help as many people as you can. The surest way to success is to add value to the lives of millions.

Mine was to become a trainer and help people. If you're interested in doing that, join the TT Certification!

And now for the TRIPLE big news from the CTT World ...

1st) Nestor Flores, CTT, and TT trainer of the Year 2015 just won another award for his business!

2nd) Classic. I think I know that gal in the pink shirt with the beard!

3rd) Can you feel the High-Energy in the air?

Today, Bri "The High Energy Guy" Kalakay, Master Certified Turbulence Trainer, is getting married to his sweetheart, Kristen.

If you were at the 2014 TT Summit, then you witnessed Brian asking Kristen to marry him. He proposed on-stage in front of 150 people. It was a legendary moment in the history of Turbulence Training. What a memory!

What a gorgeous fall day for a wedding in Michigan. I can only imagine how amazing today will be.

My 2 biggest regrets this year were missing Brian's wedding and Daniel's wedding...but I had other obligations. Wish I had a time machine, teleporter, or the ability to be in 2 places at once. Oh well.

Here's to an amazing future together, Bri & Kristen!

Love and energy to you,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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