Monday, September 07, 2015

Labor Day Squat and Travel

Wow, almost left my laptop in a luggage bin at the Nashville airport. Well, I did, but 15 minutes later realized it was gone. Hustled back. Bins were still stacked on top of each other where I left them. And the laptop was in the bottom bin. Never let TSA stack a bin on top of your laptop bin!


Had smooth travels from Nashville to Denver. Quiet time on the plane led to writing some amazing coaching PEXT messages, three articles, and a lot more. We have a busy calendar at ETR and TT so I have to get ahead.

I even stayed at the Denver airport for an hour writing after we landed, but then again it was still 10:30am. Too early to check-in. That said, I got checked in to my room at noon, grabbed a couple of Mad Greens salads, and got back to writing.

It's going to be a great week!

Started today with an 8.5 hour sleep. I needed that after a few poor sleeps and late nights in Nashville. And then I had an excellent caffeine-free squat workout at TruFit in Denver. I'm keeping the CASS-Free streak going.

1A) Speed Squat
1B) Box Jump

2A) Squat - worked up to 300x5
2B) Box Jump

3A) Front Squat

Now breakfast and then meeting up with Matt Smith and his kiddos for a nice drive and an easy hike.

This afternoon, it's back to work. Writing more articles. Gotta make hay when the sun is shining. That's how you get ahead.

Read my Labor-Day article here:


Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
This is your one and only life! Here's what to do.Make the right decisions, right now, for it. Pursue the truly important. Stick to what matters, what you know in your heart is right, and live virtuously. Lead by example, and stick to your vision. You are the boss of your life! Never give up on what really matters to you. You will succeed. We believe in you and we know this approach will work. Let's go and keep going!

Get it on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - A couple more Nashville photos for you...

At my two favorite places in Nashville...

1) The candy shop (notice the bottom level where the chocolates spell out the city name.

2) Merchants. With Bedros Keuilian. And food in my mouth...therefore no smile. Ha.
Turbulence Training's photo.
Turbulence Training's photo.


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