Friday, September 11, 2015

Deadlift in Denver and no trip to Tampa

Well, I'll be honest. I didn't see this coming.

My car to the airport was scheduled for 6:45am. By 6:42am I was packed, prepped, and ready to go. I was off to Tampa. Or so I thought.

Then I received a text. Joel had a work emergency come up. Won't be able to hang out.

Hmmm, so now what? No point in flying to Tampa... I decided to stay in Denver till next Tuesday. It's a wise move for work.

Leaves me without much to do on the weekend though. Although I could use it to get ahead of some projects, catch up on my sleep from this crazy week, and get in another mountain hike.

Before my plans changed, I rushed through a deadlift workout - full of caffeine. It was intense. I really pushed hard for a couple of personal bests.

1A) Hang Clean
1B) Mobility and ab work

2A) Deadlift - 5x5
2B) Stretching my right achilles is bugging me

3) Deadlift - 225x15 reps <= personal best

4) Snatch-Grip Deadlift

It's a downer I won't be in Tampa...Joel had planned for us to go see the Winston-Mariotta rematch on Sunday afternoon. Oh well. Somethings just come out of nowhere.

Now here's something I did see coming. It's our new cookbook.

A few months ago I put my good friend, Chef Gui Alinat, to work in the kitchen and after testing hundreds of recipes, he's created a family-friendly fat burning cookbook.

He's fixed
100 of your favorite recipes to be PERFECT for weight loss, and he's put them all into his brand new FREE cookbook, Eat More Burn More.

Chef Gui has spent over twenty years cooking these fat burning meals for the rich and famous in South Florida, as well as cooking delicious foods at home - on a budget - to feed his hungry family of SEVEN (yep, he & his wife have five kids!).

Chef's recipes are quick and easy to prepare, and don't require expensive ingredients (and that's GREAT news, because my number one complaint about many 'healthy recipes' is that the ingredients cost too much).

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Preparation > Temptation. Plan ahead to have 2 solutions for every obstacle. You'll win every time.

Get in it to win it,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Have Gratitude Today.

Fill out your gratitude journal, listing every person, major and minor, in your life that made a difference this week. Be thankful for them. Be grateful for the opportunities in life and what lies ahead.

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