Saturday, September 05, 2015

CASS-Free Labor Day in Nashville

Low-key Labor Day weekend for ol' CB.

CASS-Free Friday but a great Mastermind Hangout dinner with Chef Gui Alinat, his wife, Bedros Keuilian, Mike Westerdal, Rick Kaselj, Andrew Raposo of, and dozens more.

CASS-Free Saturday, too, although the rest of Nashville sure seems to be dropping the A from that acronym. It's party central out on Broadway Street. Hot, sunny, and the bars are packed. Stag parties and stagette parties are taking over. Tons of college girls in cowboy boots and UofTennessee shirts. Makes a might fine outfit, ma'am. :)

One more beef brisket dinner tonight, no booze, no soda, and the hopefully a good night's sleep to make up for last night. Then an early flight to Denver tomorrow and a big day of hiking on Monday. Fresh mountain air, here we come. If I could only teleport to Denver instead of having to deal with TSA...

And then after Denver, I head to Tampa on Friday, and going to the 1st Bucs game of the season, and Winston's first ever game, on Sunday - with Joel.

Lucky Life...but a TON of work to do until then. Speaking of which, I have a program to write before dinner.

Talk soon,


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