Friday, September 18, 2015

Back to the Bar Squat Day

This was going to wait until Sunday, but I'm ready now. Willing and able, too. So let's do this. It's time to go back to the bar.

1A) Speed Squat - 5x3 with 135
1B) Mobility

2A) Squat - 5x5
2B) Mobility

3) Density DropSet Squats - minimal rest between sets (185x20, 135x20, 135x20)

***I will be paying for this until Tuesday. But this also served as my daily mini-challenge.

4) Leg Curl - 4x10

Tomorrow is the first annual Mile Challenge KB Walk. It won't be too crazy. Hoping the rain holds off, too!

In my nutrition and 12-week Transformation Challenge world, I had 4 days CASS Free, ending on Wednesday with a Green Tea after a poor night's sleep. Yesterday back on track. Today, pre-workout Peppermint Tea (caffeine free), cacao nibs, and a bit of dark chocolate (90%). Very tempted to give in to Coke Zero. But having accountability to you saved the day. Thank you! Oh, and all my water continues to be from non-plastic bottle sources...even if I have to go plain tap water (which I try to avoid and use filtered water when possible).

Accountability is one of the 5 pillars of success 

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Overcome Fear. Attack Your Problems. Destroy Distraction. Defeat Your Weaknesses. Stop waiting. Just do it. Take massive action today.

Time to act,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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