Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Squats and CTT Success Stories

Back to squat rack, back to squat rack.

(Sung to the tune of Back to School in Billy Madison...although with much more excitement!)

1A) Speed Squat - 5x3
1B) Mobility Exercises

2A) Squat - 5x5
2B) Upper Body Stretches

3A) Front Squat - 4x10
3B) Leg Curl - 4x10

Legs will probably be sore tomorrow. That's the first real squat session I've had in weeks. Combined with the fact that I didn't sleep well last night, and it made for NOT my strongest session ever. But I'll build it up.

In the meantime, lots of big news in the TT world...and Bally's world.

He was very excited to see ol' CB this morning when I picked him up at the Dogs Wag Inn kennel. But that's nothing. When his Grandma gets home from vacation and picks him up later this week he's going to go INSANE. His love for Grandma is unparalleled. He's going to be ecstatic. And I'm going to love watching his tail wag a mile-a-minute.

And we have BIG winners...

Congrats to the champs of the 23rd TT Contest!

=> http://www.turbulencetrainingcontest.com/winners_0715.shtml

And details on the next contest...

=> http://www.turbulencetrainingcontest.com/rules.shtml

So many of our winners have come from CTT's all over the world. And other CTT's are having big breakthroughs, too. For example, Ray Ortiz, CTT, owner of the Toronto TT-FBBC, just won the Can-Fit Pro Trainer of the Year award. That's a BIG award up here in Canada and Ray has become an excellent leader with three CTT's on staff.

We are moving and shaking, making waves and kicking butt.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Pick one bad habit and replace with the smallest, easiest good habit that fits in its place. For example, use a smaller wine glass at dinner if you think you are drinking too much or a smaller plate if overeating. You CAN do it.

Time to transform,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Important Dates: 1. The 24th Turbulence Training 12-Week Transformation Contest officially starts on August 31st 2015, but you can join at any time during these 12 weeks. The final day to submit entries is Monday, November 30th 2015 at midnight EST.
2. If you start on August 31st you finish on November 23rd. You then take your final photos and can submit your entry between November 23rd and November 30th.
3. If you start on September 7th you finish on November 30th. You then take your final photos and must submit your entry before November 30th at 11:59pm (midnight) EST. You can start later, but you won't have a full 12 weeks to transform your life.
4. Your after photo must be taken 12 weeks after your before photo or on November 30th if you start late.
5. Any submissions after midnight EST on November 30th will NOT be eligible for this contest round. NO exceptions.

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