Monday, August 17, 2015

Last Day in London

Last day in London town.

Woke up early, did 90 minutes of writing TT articles, 21 minutes of meditation, and then a 75 minute sunrise walk from the Shard to St. Paul's to London bridge and back. Now for breakfast (walnuts, blueberries, peanut butter, and a banana), and then off to Heathrow to fly back to Toronto.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Whatever is in your way, you're stronger than it, you're tougher than it, and you're better than it. You're going to beat it. You must truly believe in yourself. You must end the "I'll give this a try" mindset, and switch to an, "I'm going to succeed" belief. You can – and WILL – do it this time! Have an AMAZING week. Share this message with your friends that need encouragement.

I'll enjoy a "29-hour day" today and be home by 8pm to the Ballantyne farm...picking up Bally the Dog at the kennel tomorrow.

Back in the gym for squats tomorrow,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

Turbulence Training's photo.
Turbulence Training's photo.
Turbulence Training's photo.
Turbulence Training's photo.

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