Saturday, August 08, 2015

Hot Bodyweight Bootcamp Workouts in Vilnius at BlackSmithCamp

Wow. Just got in from a sweaty bodyweight bootcamp workout. It's 95 degrees (34 Celcius) here in Vilnius today. That's nearly 25 degrees (farenheit) above normal for August. Good times though, and here are the two workouts we've done so far. Jeff Schneider grabbed a photo of yesterday's session but I don't have a copy yet.

Workout #1 - Total Body Training

1A) Ballantyne's (cross arms upper back mobility)
1B) Jumping Jacks
1C) Mountain Climbers
1D) Prisoner Squat

2A) Perfect Pushup Maximus
2B) Prisoner Split Squat
2C) Iron Cross
2D) Reverse Lunge

3A) Total Body Extension
3B) X-Body Mountain Climber
3C) Punisher Squat (just 2 rounds at a time)

Workout #1 - Total Body Training

1A) Ballantyne's (cross arms upper back mobility)
1B) Total Body Extension
1C) RKC Plank + Side Plank
1D) T-Pushup
1E) Jumping Jacks
1F) Reverse Lunge

2A) Bulgarian Split Squat (foot on partner's back)
2B) Decline Pushup (feet on partner's back)
2C) Iron Cross + Stick-up

3A) Close-Grip Pushup (with half-reps)
3B) Prisoner Jump Squat
3C) Plank-to-Triceps Extension
3D) Punisher Maximus (2 rounds of 30-30 only)

On Sunday, we'll finish with a Graduation Workout of full Punisher Squats (8 rounds of 20-10), a max Pushup Maximus test, and Pullups.

Then on Monday it's off to Istanbul for a lot of walking and touristing...if that's a word.

Until then, get your vote on here:


Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Compare what you say you want against what you actually do. Do they match? If not, it's time to change and figure out what really matters. Once you do, line up your priority with the actions you need to achieve it, and then embrace the pain, pay the price, and earn the prize. You must become the person you need to become in order to achieve the big goals and dreams that you want to achieve. You must do the right planning, take the right actions, make the right decisions, and eliminate the wrong obstacles that tempt you into wrong behaviors. You must arm yourself with the artillery you need to take Procrastination Hill.

Keep on sweating on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - So proud of Robin Goins and grateful for Jenelle Ford.

Well done!
Turbulence Training's photo.

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