Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Glucose Burning Hotel Gym Workout LOL

Did some fun hotel gym workouts in St. Petersburg. Mostly cable work, along with some smith machine RDLs and bodyweight lower body exercises. Just 20 minutes, because we walked about 6 miles a day covering the amazing city. It was so clean. It embarrasses every American city I've ever been too in terms of cleanliness.

Funny stuff from Russia (the "disco chandelier gym at the Four Season"), a Russian Starbucks, and the mini-bar at my hotel in Vilnius, Lithuania (have you seen my glucose, LOL). Today's workout: Pause pushups, pullups, db chest press, bodyweight rows, cable pullovers. Hope you have a good glucose-burning workout today.
Turbulence Training's photo.
Turbulence Training's photo.
Turbulence Training's photo.

For my diet...

CASS-Free journey from St. Petersburg to Riga to Vilnius. Big steak dinner tonight at an Argentinian steakhouse, and then off to the camp tomorrow afternoon. Went to a grocery store here to stock up...where I asked a Lithuanian girl if they had peanut butter. Tried to explain it using actions. Did not go over well with her. LOL.

So PB-free weekend, too.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
"I will do this" is the only attitude that works. "I'll try" or "I think" doesn't work - Kekich Credo #76.....Saying "I'll try" means you have already set a safety net to fall back on. Believe you can do it and you will. Do the things you have to do, to become the person you have to become, to make an impact in the world and help the people you must help.

Do it,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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