Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Benching in my Sleep

Tough sleep last night. Couldn't make it past 2am since I'm still on Europe time. Mind you, I couldn't keep my eyes open past 7:15pm last night, so I did get a decent nights sleep. Still, I needed some caffeine pre-workout, and I've had some Paleo Protein with stevia. Tomorrow should be CASS-Free.

(CASS = Caffeine, alcohol, sweetener, soda)

Today's Workout was good times. I was a little too full from breakfast and that was uncomfortable for the Chest-Supported Rows, but other than that it turned out better than expected. Sets 1 & 2 of the bench press were weak but my nervous system got 'excited' and finished strong on the remainder.

- Face Pulls
- Pushups

1A) Bench - 5x5
1B) CSR - 5x10

2A) Incline Bench
2B) Pullup - 4xMax + 10-second rest + 1-2 more reps

3A) Chinups
3B) Dips
3C) Farmer Walk

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Forget the past - except the lessons you learned from it. There's nothing you can do about it. It is the FUTURE where you must FOCUS. Stay positive. No one really likes a woe-is-me attitude. You don't attract good people into your life that way. Instead, stay strong. Get stronger. You can - and will - do it.

Push on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Congrats to Ray Ortiz, CTT...

... and owner of the Vaughn Fit Body Bootcamp!
Vaughan Fit Body Boot Camp's photo.
Ray won the 2015 Personal Training Specialist Award at the Can-Fit Pro seminar. Ray is a CTT and my partner in a Fit Body Bootcamp location.

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