Monday, August 31, 2015

24th TT Transformation Kickoff For Craig and the ZCZ Challenge

It's official. The game is on. Mini-challenges accepted.

Day 1 is here.

Zero Coke Zeros. => ZCZ Challenge

No plastic water bottles.

Pause-Pullup Program kicked off. Current max is 10.

And this week's 10pm "party time" finish line for Thursday and Friday.

It's easy to stay up, I just don't like it cutting in to my 4am wakeups. But those will be sacrificed for a couple of days. Fortunately the sun doesn't rise until almost 7am in Nashville at this time of year.

Turns out that the 24th TT Contest is becoming quite the ZCZ (Zero Coke Zero) Transformation Contest.

Contest rules =>

It's easy in theory, but tough if you don't have a plan and alternatives.

Of course, there is the obvious:

1) Sparkling water
2) Green Tea and other teas (my go-to is caffeine-free Peppermint Tea)
3) Water (I need mine really cold, at least 2 ice cubes at all time, and preferably in a cold glass)

But I've also discovered a few other alternatives:

a) Zevia calorie-free soda sweetened with Stevia (but it's a bit of a cop-out if you want to get away from the soda habit)
b) Greens drinks
c) Water with 1 gram of vitamin C powder (it's effervescent and has the tingle associated with carbonation)
d) Green drink with 1 gram of vitamin C
e) And here's what I drink at 4am every day when I get up (I call this my AMD - AM drink):
Green drink + 1 gram Vitamin C + 5g glutamine

I credit the AMD with fighting off colds even when I travel constantly with just 5-6 hours of sleep (like I did in Europe and will in Nashville this week).

Oh, and on a hot afternoon, I'll have a cider. It's a great replacement for beer (no wheat) and sodas. Of course, YES, it has calories and alcohol, but it's a reward drink. Better that than CZ.

Alright, get over to the contest site, read the rules, take your before photo, and get started.

Contest rules =>


Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - "Life is not a dress rehearsal." - ‪#‎truth

If you want something get up and get after it now. We're not getting any younger.

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