Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Squat Summer Day

What a day. I've been very lucky this summer. Since arriving home from all my travels in early July, the weather has been near perfect every day out here on the farm and in the big city of Toronto. Today is hot and sunny. Probably too hot and sunny for ol' Bally and his permanent sweater, but it made for a great walk at sunrise today.

After an early breakfast, I got down to the local YMCA for a squat session, my last one for a couple of weeks due to travel.

Funny how my goal was to boost my deadlift and my squat seems to have improved more. It's the old opposite approach of George Costanza...up is down, black is white...summer of George!

Today's workout:

1A) Barbell Squat Jump
1B) Lower Body Mobility

2A) Squat
2B) Box Jump

3A) Front Squat
3B) Leg Curl
3C) Cable Abs

If you don't like barbell squats, or if you're really busy today, just use this 4-minute fix...it's a free workout video you can use anywhere -
WORKOUT DESCRIPTION Perform the following exercise in 20/10 fashion (20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of holding the squat in the bottom position)...

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Don't waste energy on worrying. It does not serve you. Put your energy into writing a Thank You card, having gratitude or mentoring. Anything but worrying. Control what you can. Cope with what you can't. Concentrate on what counts. Life is not a dress rehearsal. - …Make the right decisions, right now, for your RIGHT life.

Do the turbie,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the source info for the "best workout routine for men".
