Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Squat and Mobility and 3500 calorie Truth

Squat workouts are my least favorite of my Big Three training sessions, mostly because I have to put in an extra warm-up for hip mobility. However, once I get through the extra hurdle walks, cossack lunges, and bird dogs, it's all worth it for a good, deep squat.

Today's 5am MST workout went down at the Colorado Athletic Club in Denver, my Mile-High City gym.

1A) Barbell Squat Jump
1B) Hip Mobility

2A) Squat
2B) Box Jump

3A) Front Squat
3B) Back Extension
3C) Leg Curl
3D) KB 1-Arm Farmer Walk

Followed that up with a weird Ballantyne Breakfast Bowl in my hotel room.
=> http://forum.ttmembers.com/showthread.php?p=196829#post196829

The next two days will be off - although we have an ETR Team trip to the bowling alley tomorrow afternoon to celebrate Canadia Day. I've revised my training schedule to suit my travel schedule.

Friday - Bench (in Denver)
Saturday - Deadlift (in Toronto)

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
It's OK if you get off track once in a while. It's minor damage that can be dealt with. If one pound of fat is 3500 calories, you'd have to eat an extra 7 Big Mac's to gain a pound. That's an excessive amount of calories…so don't worry, you won't overeat by 7 Big Macs over the weekend.

You won't really gain a pound of fat. Maybe you will eat a little more, but it's the salt and fluid retention that are showing up on the scale. Just get back on track today, drink extra water, avoid sugar, salt and trans-fats today, use my short, burst workouts, and that weight will WHOOOOOSH right off of you.

You'll be back on track in no time. And don't get hung up on the scale. No one knows your weight but you. All that matters is how you feel and perform, how your clothes fit, and how you confidently carry yourself.

Take a deep breath, forgive yourself the mistakes of the past, and let's move on to a better day today. Stay strong and push on, I know YOU can do it!

Back on it,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Just like these folks...

Looks like good times had by all in beautiful Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina.
Brittney Williams Woodrum's photo.
So proud of this group for staying so committed to their health and fitness! 💪
Kudos to you ladies who showed up for an early Sunday workout! Why wait til Monday to set the tone of your week?!? 👊 boom
Our FBBC fam is growing STRONG!!Daniel Woodrum

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