Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Springtime in Stratford and Ballantyne Bench Press

It is the day I've been waiting for since last year. It's The Perfect Day.

I'm on the farm. My schedule is not too busy. The sun is out, it's not too hot, the wind is cool, the grass is green, and the sleepy little city of Stratford is gearing up for visitors to the Festival theater today. I love this time of year. Unfortunately I had to spend the first 14 days of the month, and the last week of May, on the road. I think I'm going to change up the TT Summit dates for next year so that I don't miss out on this time of year on the Farm. Probably move it to Denver, too. There's no longer a good reason to hold it in San Diego. But I'm getting way ahead of myself. We're supposed to be focusing on my Deadlift...

Had a bit of a weird sleep last night. I slept like a rock for a few hours then woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. That's unusual. I got up, did some work, very creative work, I must add, then had a short meditation session and a nap, followed by a dog walk. Then breakfast, and off to the local YMCA for bench press and rows. Great times!

Band Pull

1A) Bench - 5x5
1B) BB Row - 4x10

2A) Incline Bench - 4x10
2B) Pullups - 4x8

3) 1 set of curls

That was it. Then some errands. Grocery shopping (lots of nut butters, had to use up a gift certificate), and banking. Had a bunch of pet insurance checks pile up...good ol' Bally the Dog...the gift that never stops giving. LOL. He's fine, btw, but he had a couple of minor vet visits over the winter and we got reimbursed for a couple of things. Denied for a lot more, but'll pay for some grooming and food for a while.

Let's see, what else...oh yeah, I thought of this while lying in bed at 2am:

You can't change everything, but you can control many things. Be pro-active, not re-active. Control your mornings, win your days.

Push on!

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Learn from everyone. Learn from gurus and from the everyday fat loss success stories in your life. You will find as many helpful tips from a friend that has lost 40 pounds as you might from a buff trainer. You never know. Keep learning, and never limit your sources of info. And get that accountability partner who has "been there and done that" and who has overcome all the obstacles that you face everyday. Research shows online weight loss support groups – when used frequently – are proven to speed up weight loss. Get a mentor.

Stay connected. Get better. Every day. You can do it. I believe in YOU!

Have a good one,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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