Saturday, June 13, 2015

Late Workout and Amazing Sleep

I slept like a champ last night, a full 9 hours thanks to forgetting to set my alarm. I woke up late and decided to do a short upper body workout immediately, even though that meant saving my meditation until after training (something I rarely do).

After a short warm-up in my hotel room (where I do some weird moves that don't need to be done in public), I walked down to the small, old, yet faithful gym at the Crowne Plaza here in Independence, Ohio, and I did...

1A) Maximus Pushups (1-1-1-1) - Max reps = 33 (new personal best)
5 sets of 101 pushups from the 5 sets

2B) DB Curl
2C) DB Triceps Extension

That was it. Solid pump. Then had breakfast, then sat through a boring seminar trying to extract some gold nuggets. While I listened I also created the September TT WOM - The Total Body Banger. We'll soon have a new bodyweight program out for July, then a Meathead program for August.

Later tonight I fly back to Toronto. Insert tired arms joke.

Then I drive home for another 90 minutes.

Should be around 9:30pm when I get in. Pet dog for 10 minutes. Sleep.

And then the fun begins.

Meditation. Dog Walk. Big breakfast. Digest. Squat workout #1 of new training program. Monday morning repeat, but with bench press.

Good to be back to the barbell.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip for Fat Loss:
Learn from everyone. Learn from gurus and learn from the everyday fat loss success stories in your life. You will find as many helpful tips from a friend that has lost 40 pounds as you might from a buff trainer. You never know. Keep learning, and never limit your sources of info. And get that accountability partner who has "been there and done that" and who has overcome all the obstacles that you face everyday. Research shows online weight loss support groups – when used frequently – are proven to speed up weight loss.

Get a mentor. Stay connected. Get better. Every day. You can do it. I believe in YOU!

Kick butt,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Here's someone kicking butt...

The incredible Ali Fox, CTT, and her husband Garth, from Australia. Ali is a phenomenal Transformation Trainer...she's sent many winners to my TT contests. ‪#‎TTSummit‬

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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