Thursday, June 04, 2015

Foods that are bad for men

Shocking new research reveals that certain common foods have devastating effects on men.

These foods can make weight loss feel next to impossible for you.

Even worse, these foods have a crippling effect on your Male Master Hormone. And the more you eat these common every day foods, the more likely you are to suffer from…


Manic Depression.

Low Libido.

And unfortunately, a lot more.

The research is heartbreaking, because it affects men of ALL ages. There is no avoiding it… if you are eating those common everyday foods, you will struggle to lose weight, and prime yourself for those devastating effects.

The good news:  Research has discovered 3 easy steps to reverse those effects, AND melt fat off your body.

It's unlike anything you've ever seen before.

Find out on the next page the foods doctors and researchers are imploring men around the globe to eliminate from their diet immediately.

==>  Avoid THESE Foods THAT DEVASTATE Male Health

Stay strong and keep pushing on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - One of the most important things to do is... track your results, your workouts, and your diet. The more you know about yourself, and the more you respond to this knowledge, the better your results will be. Start tracking and testing immediately. Give every program or diet at least 3 weeks to give it a fair shot. Record everything. Identify your obstacles and eliminate temptations and negative environments. Find out what works, do more of what does and less of what doesn't.

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