Saturday, June 06, 2015

CB at the TT with the DL

I snuck out and played hooky on Todd Durkin's bootcamp workout today. He gets to do all the work this morning. :)

At 6:45am I took a cab to my guilty pleasure in San Diego, Fit Athletic, for a deadlift workout.

1A) Snatch
1B) Overhead Squat

2A) Deadlift
2B) Box Jump

3A) Military Press
3B) BB Split Squat

That was good times.

I have one more workout in this phase. It's going down in Denver where I'll be hitting a Monday Meathead Bench Press session on International Chest Day. Fortunately I'll be in the gym at 5am and won't have to line up.

Today's the last day of the TT Summit for me. Daniel is sticking around to deliver some TT Certifications tomorrow. He, Brian, Brittney, Ray, and so many other CTT's have done an amazing job this weekend. A big thanks to Ali Fox and her husband Garth for coming such a long way. I hope they have had an amazing time!

Here's some of the magic you are missing. It's Ol' CB and some of the great gals at the ‪#‎TTSummit‬. Always find a way to spend time with positive people. Rockstars!
Turbulence Training's photo.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
If you want to accomplish anything you must get out of your comfort zone. To get something you've never had you must do something you've never done. To change your body you must change your habits. To change your habits you must change your belief in yourself. To change your beliefs and habits you must change your plan. You can do it. I believe in YOU.

Time to go see Jay Ferruggia do a 15-minute pump up session for the crowd.

Have a great weekend,

Craig B., CTT

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