Monday, June 08, 2015

Bench in Denver Benefits from Mile High Altitude

It must have been the Mile High altitude in the gym today, as I was able to set a couple of 2015 Personal Bests in the gym this morning at 5am.

Or maybe it was my cake-loaded muscles from Saturday's feast.

Today's Workout...the last one on this 4 week for a 5-7 day deload. That works out well since I have busy office days at ETR and then a seminar in Cleveland till Saturday night.

1A) WYLIT on ball
1B) Maximus Pushups (1-1-1-1 tempo)
1C) Band Pull

2A) Bench - worked up to 195x5
2B) DB CSR - worked up to 60x11 for PB

3) Bench PB - 135x20 reps

(That's still a long way from the 225x14 I did in 2006!)

4A) Incline Bench
4B) Pullup

Here's one of the cakes at the ‪#‎TTSummit‬ on Saturday afternoon. And here's the recipe for our bonus gluten-free cake

Turbulence Training's photo.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
"To get something you've never had, you must do something you've never done."

Change yourself and transform a life today,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS – Life is too short to skip dessert, so… 

Diana has created 120 delicious recipes as well as a personalized 28-Day Fat Burning Meal Plan to help you quickly drop fat from your belly, thighs and arms without dieting or counting calories and WITHOUT skipping dessert.

PPS – Here's a piece of 40th Birthday Wisdom to share with you…

One of the most important to do is track your results, your workouts, and your diet. The more you know about yourself, and the more you respond to this knowledge, the better your results will be. Start tracking and testing immediately. Give every program or diet at least 3 weeks to give it a fair shot. Record everything. Identify your obstacles and eliminate temptations and negative environments. Find out what works, do more of what does and less of what doesn't.

Never forget the #1 rule of No Excuses Club => No Excuses!

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