Monday, June 08, 2015

Back Pain?

Last month at the Paleo-FX nutrition and training seminar in Austin, I met back-pain expert and Board-Certified Physical Therapist Dr. Chad Walding. As a free bonus in addition to this morning's short fat burning workout, Dr. Walding promised to reveal the truth about fixing back pain without surgery, dangerous pain pills or needles. So if you're suffering from back pain today then this may be the most important article you ever read.

You see, almost everybody makes a tiny little mistake on a DAILY basis that causes serious back pain. Once you fix that mistake your back pain will vanish. This common blunder (that nearly everybody does) is the biggest cause of our back pain epidemic.

Can you guess what it is?

  • it's not smoking.
  • it's not being overweight.
  • it's not eating foods that cause inflammation

Those may be contributors to pain, but they're NOT the worst cause. It's even more common than all that and potentially more dangerous.  Actually, I bet you're doing it right now. And if you don't fix this big mistake soon...Your chronic back pain could become crippling.

Dr. Chad Walding is going to show you exactly how you can fix your back pain and get your life back in the brand new article below...
==> Click here for the Truth About Fixing Back Pain (new article)

To living pain-free,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Here's the deal...

Life hands you obstacles. From those obstacles you must create opportunity. You do that by taking action, not making excuses. Never forget the #1 rule of No Excuses Club => No Excuses

1 comment:

  1. I agree that surgery or prescription pain medication should not be anyone's first choice for pain relief. It's important for people to discover why they are feeling pain, not to just mask the symptoms, however, it's understandable why someone's first instinct to get relief fast. No one should have to suffer with chronic pain when help is available.

    Agnes Lawson @ Pain Relief Experts
