Saturday, May 09, 2015

Weekend Diet Tip and Saturday Sermon

A 2011 study from the Journal of Obesity showed those who focused solely on hormonal balance lost 65% MORE weight compared to those who were counting calories.
After just 8 weeks of ignoring calories and grams, they also had a 34% decrease in their waist alone.
As you can see, it definitely IS more than calories in and calories out for your best results.
Now there are other diets that TRY to tackle hormones, but they are confusing, require you to count calories and they are hard to follow.
That's why you'll love this one... especially if you like food :)
It uses a "3-day diet interval", in which you get to eat whatever you want Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Now this may sound too good to be true and you probably can't see how in the world this works, BUT...
  • It spikes your leptin levels (the "master hormone" that helps you burn fat at rest
  • It increases your insulin sensitivity (meaning you can eat MORE carbs without it being stored as fat)
  • It's way more flexible (not an imprisoning diet approach)
And the best part - you'll burn MORE fat Monday-Thursday if you know what you're doing...

At the link below, you'll find out more about how you can use this info to NEVER diet on the weekends, while losing 3 pounds of fat week after week...

>> NEVER diet on the weekends AGAIN (NEW 3-day diet trick)

Still curious on how it works?
> Days 1-3: Accelerated Fat Loss

> Day 4: RESET and BOOST your metabolism

> Days 5-7: Eat whatever you want (Spike fat-burning hormones)

Follow this simple 3-step approach and you'll be able to enjoy EVERY weekend this summer, while still losing fat.


Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - CB's Saturday Sermon...

Control what you can, cope with what you can't, and concentrate on what counts. Make the right decisions, right now, for the right outcome for your right life. Stay strong and push on towards your goals and towards making a better life for your family. You can do it. I believe in YOU

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