Thursday, May 14, 2015

Off Day Again and Off to NYC

Off-week, light workout at the Shangri-La Hotel (my favorite place to stay) in Toronto. I did hit a couple of bodyweight personal bests.

First, I did 29 Perfect Pushups, taking 1 second to lower, pausing for 1 second, 1 second to press up, and pausing for 1 second at the top. Then I did a 21-second hold in the top of a pullup position.

The rest of the workout went quickly, like this:

A) Military Press
B) Bodyweight Row

A) Shrug
B) Close-Grip Pushup

Now to the airport and a quick flight to NYC. Tomorrow, a 40-minute run through Central Park with my buddy Matt, to celebrate our 40th birthdays later this year. My one run of the year. We always do this in can you not run through Central Park in the morning?

Then an off-weekend, and back to heavy training on Monday morning with a new 4-week program focused on the deadlift.

Speaking of 40th, make sure you join me at the party here. Price of tickets goes up on Saturday night.


Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Make the right decisions with your time and actions!

"People should never practice what they do not want to become good at." – Corey Anton

Choose right,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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