Sunday, May 10, 2015

3 diet tricks

"I'll start Monday"...
... says everyone. 
If you crush the week with your diet but mess it up every weekend, there's good news. 
Your weekend "fun food" can actually speed up fat loss...
It's called "Diet Intervals". If you think about it, every fitness expert out there talks about how you must cut 500 calories or more from your diet each day.
For most people, this is actually "easier" Monday through Friday because you're in a routine. You're busy. You're focused. It's doable.
But when the weekend comes... well, you have a little more time. You had a stressful week. You don't want to think about "dieting" because frankly... dieting is exhausting, too. 
So, here are 3 tricks to use "Diet Intervals" for the easiest diet plan of 2015...
Trick #1 - Look at Your Weekly Calories and NOT Daily Calories
No matter how "sciency" the media gets, there is no denying that you MUST have a calorie deficit in order to lose fat.
You can do this daily, but wouldn't be easier if you freed yourself on the weekends, the 3 days you find it most difficult to "diet"? Then you could focus Monday - Thursday.
The end result would be the same (2-3 pounds of fat loss per week), but WAY easier to stick to.
Lose 2-3 pounds a week while eating your favorite foods all weekend
Trick #2 - Avoid Cheat Days
When it comes to most "Cheat Day" diets, you may end up binge eating trying to get it all in. It makes sense... you won't be "allowed" to eat your favorite foods for another week.
Plus you end up feeling miserable and guilty, which defeats the purpose of a cheat day. 
Instead, spread your rewards and favorite foods over the span of 3 days. For example...
Friday night - pizza
Saturday - pancakes and then later some ice cream
Sunday - your favorite burger joint
You'll end up actually eating less knowing you have the entire weekend to enjoy your favorite foods. 
Enjoy your weekends and still lose up to 3 pounds a week << See the PROOF

And finally...

Trick #3 - Just Like Exercise, Use Short "Bursts" for Your Diet
It's pretty simple - go "hard" Monday - Thursday. No, I don't mean starve or eat nothing but rice cakes :)
It means stick to eating fats, proteins and carbs in a way that triggers the release of stored fat. 
Doing this after a reward weekend is ideal because your leptin levels (the hormones that burn fat) will be at its highest and will last about 4 days.
Then when Friday hits, you "reset" your leptin levels again, but not all in one day. You get to increase your leptin levels the entire weekend (without the binging!). 
If you love your weekend food...
==> This is the easiest "diet" of 2015 (get the weekends OFF)
Diet interval your fat off this year,

Craig Ballanytne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Tough weekend?

Never quit. If you stumble, get back up. What happened yesterday no longer matters. Today is another day, so get back on track on move closer to your dreams and goals. You can do it. Never give up on what is important to YOU. Take action today and keep on pushing on. You can do it. I believe in you!

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