Thursday, April 30, 2015

Why you need Shaun's nutrition program

"Hey Craig," Kelly wrote in an email today, "I just bought your latest workout program, so why would you do this? Why would you tell me that I need another program, like Shaun Hadsall's Xtreme Fat Loss Diet?"

That's a great question. I get this all the time, from long-time readers like Bob M. in Iowa, Chris C. in England, Sue L. in Australia, and Gianni V. in Italy. Here's the answer…

It might not be politically correct or humble to say this, but I can guarantee you that my workouts are the BEST in the world. You are getting the #1 solution for fat burning exercise when you join me in my programs, BUT…

I have TWO weaknesses. The first is injury rehab. I don't know the best way to fix your back pain or repair your rotator cuff, so please see your doctor for in-person help. My second weakness is nutrition. I'm NOT a world-class diet guru, but many of my friends, like Shaun Hadsall, Joel Marion, Yuri Elkaim, Flavia Del Monte, and Brad Pilon are world-class nutrition gurus…

The nutrition programs you get with Turbulence Training, 6MinutestoSkinny, Home Workout Revolution, and Metabolic Kick-Starter are great and will help you lose weight quickly and easily...

And while, YES, the nutrition programs you get with Turbulence Training, 6MinutestoSkinny, Home Workout Revolution, and Metabolic Kick-Starter are great and will help you lose weight quickly and easily...

...the more advanced programs I recommend, like Shaun Hadsall's Extreme Fat Loss Diet, are more detailed (and require a lot more preparation, too, to be fair). But when you combine these advanced plans with my World-Class Workouts, you'll get even faster – and extreme – weight loss results.

Adding Shaun's nutrition plan to my workouts is like customizing a Porsche or a Ferrarri to make it turbo-charged and even faster for the racetrack.

That's why I recommend other programs, and that's why you need to take advantage of this final reminder about Shaun's system that shows you how to:

Lose a Pound of Pure Fat in Just One Day <= Get it today and lose by Sunday!

Thank you again for your question and commitment to success.

Shaun and I are so proud of what you have accomplished so far and can't wait to hear your success story with XFLD and my World-Class Workouts.

Have an amazing weekend!


Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS – People won't always understand or accept your…

… dedication to self-improvement, so when you are having a bad day and when people are talking behind your back or making you feel bad for your RIGHT decisions, please remember this:

Do not take it personal when someone attacks you. This will happen a lot when you step out of your comfort zone and become the best person you can – and are meant to – be. 

Simply look at the criticism constructively, and discard personal attacks. You are making the right choices for YOUR right life. That's what matters. 

Operate with honesty and integrity all the time and you will never have to worry about what other people say about you because you are doing the RIGHT thing. I know it.

Stay strong and keep on pushing on

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