Saturday, April 04, 2015

TT Summit invite from Tampa

Let's start with a personal invite to my birthday party at the 5th TT Summit - hope to see you there! => TT Certifications will take place on the Thursday and Sunday.

Just email Lesa at to reserve your spot. Daniel Woodrum is teaching Level 1 on Thursday and Level 2 on Sunday. Chris Lopez is teaching Level 1 on Sunday. Thank you!

And then, rock the vote.
TT Contest #22 is now open for VOTING! Please pick your winner from our 4 categories here. (And next contest starts first week of May...get ready!) =>

My workout in Tampa today was hot, humid, and sweaty. And last night I ran some intervals with Joel after I arrived from Denver. I "wussed out" by not driving 45 minutes into Tampa to deadlift at Powerhouse, so I punished myself with the following session in Joel's garage:

1A) DB Walking Lunge
1B) KB Snatch - high rep challenge

2B) Ab Wheel Rollout

Followed that with a few laps in the pool and then 45 minutes of babysitting Joel's oldest daughter. We played lunch, and she made me a "delicious hot lunch of strawberries, watermelon, and bacon, with dirt on it." Hot fruit and dirty bacon. Just the way I like it.

Dr. Kareem, his wife, their son, and their dog, are also visiting. We're having an Easter Egg hunt later this afternoon, and a big brunch outing tomorrow. Here's hoping there are some crab legs on the menu. And I'll be starting the day with db rows, pushups, farmer's walks, and meathead arms, followed by an hour's walk to get the Sunday NY Times. It's going to be a blast.

Also going fully Device-Free on Sunday. No net, no laptop, no phone, no TV. Just friends, family, newspapers, exercise, swimming, and a huge brunch.

Hope you have a Happy Easter!

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Always look for progress ... even little steps in the right direction today give you the momentum to carry on into victory tomorrow.

Stay strong,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - See you at the TT Summit!

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