Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Tampa Squats and Miami Plans

I've been doing a few extra interval runs with Joel and today I worried my legs would be tired. It was a scheduled squat session. Fortunately, legs were not tired or sore. Or so I thought. Heavy sets were good, but high rep sets suffered a little. Overall, what mattered was the heavy sets. So I'm good.

1A) Squat
1B) High Box Jump

2A) Front Squat
2B) Good Morning

That was it.

Now it's time for a walk with Joel. No intervals today.

Weather and food has been fantastic. Tomorrow I drive to Miami. Going to a Heat game with Joel, Vinny D, Chef Gui, Mike Westerdal, and a bunch of others on Thursday night. Friday is dinner at Prime 112 with Bedros and his family (they are vacationing at Disney this week). Saturday is a wedding for my friends Sean and Alison, and Matt Smith will be there too. Then I spend a couple of days relaxing and working before heading back to Toronto on Tuesday afternoon. Next Saturday I return to Denver for a couple of weeks.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Your transformation into a high-performance machine starts with your Rules. I have one rule that saves me a lot of trouble. It reduces the temptation to eat too much or too late at night. It minimizes sleepless nights from too much caffeine. It eliminates hangovers. My rule allows me to look and perform like someone ten years younger than me.

Here it is: "I go to bed and get up at the same time 7 days per week. I stick to my diet, avoid caffeine after 1pm, eat dinner at 6pm, and avoid alcohol within 3 hours of bedtime." Twice per week I have social outings that require me staying up a few hours later. That's okay. The most important part of the rule is to get up at the same time everyday. Every single day. No matter the time you went to bed. Do that and you will win your mornings, own your days, and control your life.

Never lose a morning, ever, if you want to go undefeated in life. Stay strong, push on, you can do it. Sacrifice now to create your legacy forever.

Push on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - It's always darkest before the dawn. There will be days when you struggle. That's okay. Just never give up & always TAKE ACTION.

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