Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Tampa TRX Meathead Workout

Big fun with a Meathead workout done half-inside and half-outside down at Joel's. Hooked up the TRX to his basketball net.

Training: KB Snatch, KB 1-Arm OH press, DB Chest supported row, TRX Rear-Delt, TRX Triceps Ext, TRX Biceps Curls, Rocking Planks. Sweating.

'Today's workout down in Tampa, FLA => KB Snatch, KB 1-Arm OH press, DB Chest supported row, TRX Rear-Delt, TRX Triceps Ext, TRX Biceps Curls, Rocking Planks. Sweating.'

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Success is not just a number on a scale or clothing label. It is the achievement of living with maximum energy and having built the habits that make good, healthy choices seem natural to you. When you choose to eat healthy and you choose to exercise instead of watching TV, that is achievement. This will help you love life and the people around you more. The process is often just as important as the physical progress. A body transformation cannot happen without a mental transformation as well. Let's go and make a small step in the right direction of big changes, right now. This will make it a great day for you. You can do it, I believe in you.

Believe in you too,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - You're as happy as you let yourself be. No one else is in control of how you view the world and your life. Your happiness is up to you.

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