Saturday, March 21, 2015

Gluten Busters!

Arrived into Toronto at 5pm on Friday evening. The city was buzzing on the eve of Spring. Warm weather, sunshine, and a sense of change was in the air. These are the nights you look forward to all winter long.

I am staying at one of my favorite hotels, the Shangri-La. It has quite the happening lobby. Every afternoon, and I mean EVERY afternoon, it is packed with people enjoying a traditional British tea service. A pianist plays in the corner. I sit at the bar, sipping a club soda, longingly watching the parade of pastries being taken out to the tables. Alas, poor Gluten, I knew you well. But we are to be no more. 

After finishing up my emails, I cleaned up (real good!) and went to Montecito for dinner. It's famous for two things. First, the roast chicken. We had that (it's salty, but earned its rep). I also had a pork chop, also excellent. The second so-famous-it's-infamous dish is the Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man Baked Alaska. The restaurant is co-owned by Ivan Reitman, the producer of Ghostbusters. Alas, we had to pass. Not until Reitman produces Glutenbusters will I be able to enjoy that one.

Who you gonna call, Craiggy?

Gluten-busters. <Insert funky bassline here.>

LOL. Good times.

Today was a Meathead Upper bodyweight 251 workout in the hotel gym.

Total reps per exercise over a few sets each:
101 pushups
50 pullups
50 bodyweight rows
50 plank-to-triceps extensions

This was my last day in a deload week and I start back with heavy squats on Sunday, hoping for a quiet morning in the YMCA back in Stratford.

On Tuesday it's back to Toronto and then LA on Wednesday for Fitness Business Summit. An all day seminar takes care of Thursday, followed by meetings on Friday, a couple of presentations on Saturday, and then back to Denver on Sunday for 5 days. Good Friday brings me down to Tampa for Easter Weekend, and then we go over to Miami (12 of Joel's buddies for a boys night out) for basketball and steak. That times perfectly for me to attend a friend's wedding in South Beach on Saturday.

I finally return to Toronto on the 14th, and head back to Denver on the 18th for a couple of weeks. We have BIG things going on down in the D-V-R. Stay tuned for CTT updates, the release of the 5th TT Summit, a yoga product, a cookbook with @chefgui, more Masterminds, and a lot of new articles from ol' CB.

Insert funky baseline here. Again.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
You can't reach your full potential if you are not healthy. Here's how to change. Remember that the pleasure of eating lasts for only a short while, but you inhabit your body 24 hours per day, 7 days per week for life. Add a new healthy habit each day replacing an old unhealthy habit. Commit to doing at least one big thing first thing in the morning. And yes, everyday you will be tempted to fall back on old bad habits. Do everything you can to resist temptation. Work for baby step improvements everyday. Stay strong. I believe in you. You can – and WILL – do it! Have an AWESOME weekend.


Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Here's something that's hard to accept, but once you do, you'll be better off for it. One of the biggest factors in how stressed you get is your decision to be stressed by your circumstances. The truth is you don't have to let things bother you as much as they do.

No excuses.

1 comment:

  1. Good read, especially towards the end. I have to try that '251 workout' when I travel in the next few weeks!
