Thursday, February 19, 2015

Stressful week into a New York weekend

Alright, it's been a stressful, different week in my life.

I made some big changes in my business, traveled to Toronto, had late night meetings and early morning breakfasts, slept poorly (at the amazing Shangri-La hotel in Toronto), interviewed Mark Ford (, did 6 other phone calls, created the CTT call of the month, wrote essays and TT emails, texted dozens of times with my depressed friend, went and saw my amazing chiropracter (Dr. Michael Sommers), coached my team members, and prepared my presentation for this weekend's Martial Arts Business Summit in Long Island, NY.

Not a bad week.

Oh, and I cleaned my dog's ear because it was stanky dirty.

Tomorrow I fly to NYC (so I'm resting my arms today, , haha). I present on Saturday morning and then we do a 1-day Mastermind for the rest of the day.

Streaking Update

1) Write 3000 words per day

Between the book and the TT emails, I'm hitting the 3000 words. It really has been an amazingly productive year since I started this. More important, I've figured out the introduction to the book. It was a real struggle. Here's an excerpt article (although it's not the intro): 

2) No Post Dinner Binge Eating

I've been winning victories, and now I'm even more committed thanks to Shawn Stephens, CTT, who shared this:

"I had one of those days yesterday. 5:30 am until 7:30 pm. I normally go home middle of the day because I am so close but with all this frigid weather I had to be there because my toilet wasn't in the sewer lines! They even had the toilet taken out at one time! It is not working last I checked still. They dumped something down to melt the ice but said it would be anywhere from 1 hour up to 2 days. We just had another night with -20 wind chill though so I am not thinking it wanted to thaw yet! I was exhausted at the end of the day and almost caved on my nutrition. I didn't get my normal mid day prep done because I was at the studio. I resisted the urge to walk next door (Historic restaurant and bar 1 block from my house) and I ate left over chicken and veggies instead. A huge victory for me on my personal transformation!"

Awesome, Shawn!

3) 1 Drink Maximum

Right on track. Tonight I will have one in celebration of getting one big stressful thing out of my life last night. Off to the Pravda vodka bar for a Black Russian and some gravlax.

4) No Outbursts or Snarkiness

Despite the stress, I've avoided raising my voice. That said, I must admit, I've avoided answering a certain person's phone calls. It's not worth it.

5) Healthy Gut Days

It's always so much better when I'm home in Canada. It's going to be tested this weekend as I have a couple of flights. Flights don't help it. So...we shall see how it goes. And to make it an even more exciting adventure, Bedros Keuilian and I are going to the legendary Peter Luger's steakhouse.

Stay vulnerable and accept help,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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