Thursday, February 05, 2015

Streak Update and Delay

Streaking Update

Well, on the downside, I'm stuck with a 4-hour flight delay at the Tampa airport. Bad weather in Toronto, I guess.

On the bright side, streaks are going great. Projects are moving ahead quickly. And I needed the extra time at the airport to get through the 97 emails in my inbox.

1) Write 3000 words per day

I finished another ETR essay, the TT report card, and a few other projects...all with time to spare in a day. I'm really cranking out content faster than ever. This has been a big breakthrough.

It also helps in that I only check work email two or three times a week.

2) No Post Dinner Binge Eating

Last night we had an amazing dinner. Joel has a private chef come in 3-4 times per week and he made steak, bacon, baked potatoes, and veggies...replicating a meal that Joel and I often have at Prime 112 in Miami. It was fantastic. I had some leftovers this morning before heading to the airport, and I packed some bacon so I'm not going hungry during the delay.

3) 1 Drink Maximum

I'll be drink free until at least Saturday.

4) No Outbursts or Snarkiness

Nothing but good times. I'm not even upset by the delay. I'm always prepared for shenanigans like this when I travel. You never know what kind of news you're going to hear. I'm just thankful I can travel so freely.

5) Healthy Gut Days

I had a small amount of dairy again, but not enough to cause worry. It's not mandatory that I avoid it anyways. I'm simply experimenting.

I continue to be eating a lot, but it's all real food.

Two more hours in the delay,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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