Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Ouch Again

Ouch. Screwed up again. Got back on track again. I fail all the time. And each time I do, I learn, and I get a clearer picture of how I should be, act, and prepare. I'm thankful for the painful lesson. Read more below.

Last night's mistake didn't stop today's atonement. I had a great workout. I fixed my mind and I'm getting back on track. It didn't hurt that it was an upper body meathead day and some of the workout was done in the Florida sunshine and warm weather.

1A) DB Press
1B) TRX Rear Delt

2A) TRX Pushup

3) 1-Arm Row

4) Farmer Walk

Now for a happy memory, before I tell you about my slip-up.

Here's ol' CB and Isabel De Los Rios (and husband Stuart) from Beyond Diet. Her kids are adorable...and 2 years apart, but the younger one is so big they look like twins. (Picture at Salt Rock Grill in Indian Rocks, FLA, at the BioTrust party on Saturday night). This is at 8:30pm and her children were so well behaved. Great times. Isabel is one of my most successful business coaching clients. She has helped over 1,000,000 people with her programs.

And now, see that I'm a screwed-up human just like everyone else!

Streaking Update

I'm such an idiot. After a near perfect Superbowl weekend I made a bad decision at the last minute (sound familiar?). There was one more celebration dinner to go, and that's where I broke my 1 drink rule again. Fortunately, I didn't break any other streaks, but it was darn close.

This unwise decision also put me off my schedule today. A freakin' Monday night. Ridiculous. Time for a reevaluation of my cut-off system to avoid this cycle of regret. The evening was wonderful, but it was no better because of the extra drinking. I need to focus on what matters and plan better.

1) Write 3000 words per day

I started late today, but I've done 2000 words. The first 500 were almost incoherent, but the idea is there. I made some structural progress in a large project, and finished up the ETR email of the week. I was struggling with a close, so I decided to keep it short and simple.

2) No Post Dinner Binge Eating

This almost went down. I looked at a few things before making a very wise decision to collapse into bed instead. I narrowly avoided disaster.

3) 1 Drink Maximum

Busted. But now back on track. Staying positive.

4) No Outbursts or Snarkiness

Nothing but laughs last night. Great times. Joel's business partner Josh Bezoni told many funny stories.

5) Healthy Gut Days

I had a small amount of dairy last night, but not enough to cause worry. It's not mandatory that I avoid it anyways. I'm simply experimenting.

I did eat a lot, but it was all real food.

Today's very appropriate Kickbutt Mindset Tip for me:
"Enjoy life. Treat it as an adventure. Care passionately about the outcome, but keep it in perspective. Things are seldom as bleak as they seem when they are going wrong – or as good as they seem when they are going well. Lighten up. You'll live longer." - Kekich Credo #55

Get back on track as soon as you can,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Every time I fail I get a clearer picture of how I should be, act, and prepare. I'm thankful for the painful lesson.

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