Friday, February 13, 2015

25 Shades of Craig?

Saturday is going to be the BEST day of the year. Here's why...

First of all, it's everyone's favorite holiday, Ballantyne's Day. Second, we're going on a date. But it's only going to take 10 minutes, and we can do it anywhere in the comfort of your home, and you can wear your PJ's, your workout clothes, or even your jeans. Just be ready to get your heart pumpin'.

Whoa. Now I know this is starting to sound like a chapter from 50 Shades of Grey, but hear me out, because it's more like 25 Shades of Craig.

Tomorrow is the BIGGEST and BEST day of the year for you and I because it's the day we release our brand-new follow-along workout videos. You demanded more videos and we are delivering. You'll get a new workout every day for the next 5 weeks that will show you EXACTLY what to do in 4-minute, 8-minute, and 10-minute sessions.

And just wait until you see the quality of these videos. We filmed them in an NBC TV studio in Denver.These look even better than what you see in the late-night infomercial programs. And I promise you that I'm bringing the energy and fat-burning to these videos like NOTHING you have ever seen before.

You're going to be amazed, and I know you're not easily impressed, but trust just might be the best Ballantyne's Day gift you get this weekend.


  • Save me 10 minutes of your busy day.
  • Watch your email for the big news tomorrow.
  • And then get ready to join me in the hottest new heart-pumping calorie-burning NO-equipment workouts in the world.
10-Minutes of the new TT will put 50 Shades of Grey to shame. ;)

Get ready for the best day of the year,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS – Hmmm...

...that gives me a strange idea...

A 50 Shades of Grey workout?

Let me think about that over the weekend and I'll see what I can come up with.

Stay tuned for it, and for access to all of your amazing new bodyweight workouts tomorrow.

Have a great night.

Talk soon!

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