Saturday, February 14, 2015

20 minute jump rope circuit

Happy Ballantyne's Day. I have a very interesting 10+10 circuit workout to share with you. This one last 19 minutes and 50 seconds. It was a great challenge to start a snowy Saturday morning.

Each exercise was meant to be about a minute long, and I knew how many reps I could do in a I didn't time things...but as you can see, I was right on track for total training time. It's essentially 1000 reps of jump rope, broken down into 10 sets, alternating with 10 other exercises.

1) Jump Rope - 100 reps
2) Squats - 60 reps
3) Jump Rope - 100 reps
4) Pushups - 35 reps
5) Jump Rope - 100 reps
6) Jumping Jacks - 60 reps
7) Jump Rope - 100 reps
8) TBX - 60 reps
9) Jump Rope - 100 reps
10) KB Swings - 30 reps
11) Jump Rope - 100 reps
12) Burpee - 15 reps
13) Jump Rope - 100 reps
14) Ab Wheel - 30 reps
15) Jump Rope - 100 reps
16) KB Swings + Burpees - 25 reps + 5 reps
17) Jump Rope - 100 reps
18) Jumping Jacks - 60 reps
19) Jump Rope - 100 reps
20) Prisoner Squat Jump + Pushups - 15 reps each

The parts of the circuit that winded me and nearly left me seeing stars were after pushups, burpees, and TBX's.

Of course, the Big News is this:

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Success begins and ends with your personal responsibility. Success lives & dies with you and your ability to take action. Take action today.

If you aren't living YOUR life, and you are living at someone else's expectations, STOP. This is your only life. Live it wisely.

Now go have a great day,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - My favorite quote for you...

"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel" – Maya Angelou

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