Saturday, January 10, 2015

Swimming and Lifting and Eating in Miami

My Florida Morning Swim in the Pool streak ended today. It was just too cold for a swim as downtown Miami is cool, damp, and overcast this morning. Hopefully the sun peaks out later. Yesterday shocked my body too much when I jumped in for my two laps, and so we say goodbye to 10 straight days of 5 minute swims.

The big Miami Mastermind also ends today. Many lessons learned. Great time with Shaun Hadsall and Joel Marion, our guests. Last night we had a huge group dinner of over 50 people and we treated them all to steaks and fish - and chocolate desserts! - at The Capital Grille. I had more sea bass, another baked potato, spinach, and brussel sprouts (with bacon). No drinks and no binges. Just healthy eating yesterday.

Today a light bodyweight circuit for me:
Prisoner Squat - 50
Jumping Jacks - 50
Rocking Plank - 50
TBX - 50
Mountain Climber - 15/side
Bulgarian Split Squat - 10/side
Couple of rounds.

Tomorrow I deadlift at LA Fitness. It will go like this:

1A) Rack Pull
1B) Box Jump or Long Jump

2B) Overhead Lunge

3A) Hang Clean
3B) An Ab Exercise

Finished with some type of challenge...could be deadlifts or a sprint or something else. I always do a challenge on Sunday morning when I have extra time to train.

Then I'll relax for the day in Miami, followed by a trip to Denver for next week. That's where we'll be filming a new 25-day follow-along video program - finally! We have some unique twists in this one.

Now off to breakfast with Joel before he heads home.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Success comes from personal responsibility. Freedom from Structure. Health from Habit. Victory from Discipline. Results from Routine. These will work for you. Work hard. Add value. Connect with others. Opportunity exists. Keep on pushing to go after it.

Streak on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - After breakfast will be more of this:

Masterminding in Miami
Maria Mountain's photo.
Maria Mountain's photo.
Maria Mountain's photo.
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