Saturday, January 03, 2015

Bally the Dog Cardio Update

This is not fair! Hey, it's ol' Bally the Dog here and I'm stuck up in the terrible weather of Canada while my owner, world-famous fat loss trainer Craig Ballantyne, is enjoying the beautiful Florida sunshine. He's taking the day off and ordered me (!) to sit, stay, and remind you that...

Here's another happy user that switch from useless cardio:

You have my 100%-Happy-Tail-Wagging-Guarantee that this program will help you finally lose your mid-section belly fat and tone your body in 2015. It's helped over 151,000 men and women around the world to lose 5-55 pounds of fat. And it works for ANY age, too, from 18 to 81.

Don't lose your momentum. Keep on going strong to start 2015.
By the way, if you've been doing cardio and you overate this holiday season, it's not your fault. According to British research, some people OVER-eat when they do cardio workouts (research proven to eat an extra 300 calories per day - and that caused these folks to GAIN weight with cardio).
That's just another reason to kick cardio to the curb and get ol' Craiggy Ballantyne's TT weight loss program. Bark, even the NY Times said cardio is bad...and that you are better off eating a cheeseburger.
Woof Woof,
Ol' Bally the Dog
Certified Dog
PS - Your Time is NOW!
You CAN succeed at any age so don't ever give up.
No matter what your situation and circumstances, you can move forward, right NOW, towards your big goals & dreams.
It's finally the right time for YOU.
It's not your fault you struggled in the past. You didn't have all the answers back then. But today everything has come together. You can do it. You MUST do it. There will never be a better time than right now. This time it will be different. This time is YOUR time. Let's go!

1 comment:

  1. Turbulence Training rocks! It is by far the best cardio to lose weight ... I know, I know ... it's not really cardio.

