Monday, January 12, 2015

250,000 Fans!

Deadlift yesterday, travel day today, and we hit 250,000 Facebook Fans over the weekend. Very cool. Here's just some of the great feedback:

"This does work...getting up at 4:30 am now so that I have time to read, meditate, do my 4 min workout and drink my green tea, honey and cinnamon. I have lost weight...have more energy during the day and I stay focused at work better than I did before. Just got to get to bed by 9am is all." – Diana Barr, FB feedback

"Craig, you cannot understand how much Turbulence Training has changed my family tree; both with my wife and three daughters, but also with my extended families through work, church, etc. All because of a 15-minute workout you had in Men's Health one time, ha! Through TT, I've learned simple formats for working out that can be done anywhere; I've done them on the school playground behind our last apartment, to the bedroom by my sleeping baby girl, to the Y I work at. The workouts through TT are adaptable; If I have 4-minutes or 30-minutes, I can whip out a workout to get the blood flowing and the energy I need to work two jobs, finish a Masters and be a great husband and dad.

Finally, TT opened my eyes to so many other resources; Eat Stop Eat, Mike Whitfield's finishers, being challenged by Chris Lopez and his massive family... all of the Early to Rise e-mails how to improve in business and in general life. TT opened these worlds to me. Am I there yet? No, not at all. Eating habits aren't fantastic. I'm big (over 300 lbs); diet holds me back. Still trying to find my "niche" of what to do to be successful financially... but I'm close; whittling down and finding the "thing" to market while working hard to provide. You can't hover around all of this knowledge and it NOT become your orthopraxy, not just orthodoxy. A few small changes in 2015 and I'll be there! Thanks for what you do! I am a better Mann because of it!" – Matt Mann

"I know you thanks to my hubby, and I follow you since then. I did TT with him and by myself. Love all the programs, they work the entire body and transform every single part of it. But the most I really love is reading your daily post. You inspire me not only my body and my mind, help to keep me positive." – María Gabriela Zúñiga-Portillo

"I want to let you know that I look forward to TT's posts to use as daily affirmations for myself and to share with my small group of FB friends. Some days, your words are the light in a deep, dark tunnel. We generally do not get off our butts and start working out; we do push through another day with hope from inspiration and knowing something - angel guides most likely - are around us, and that messages come through in your posts and, sometimes, trolling through other peoples's good to be motivated to be alive; one day, the work-outs will follow." – Kim Cartledge

"Craig your words always inspire me. I have done bootcamp training and have lost weight, body fat and cms. I have questioned myself heaps, I have always gound my path again by ready your posts. I have tried some of your training in my own workouts and have seen good results. Even though I read your posts and know they are for everyone it is like you know where are all at." – Charmaine Kucks

"CB, thank you. Thank you for the regular information you send me. Thank you for the home workout and turbulence series. Post the Christmas splurge I'm following 8 weeks to skinny... Week one baseline: 77.2 kg & 23.3% BF. Week two progress: 75.8 kg & 22.7% BF. Thanks again." – David Pierce, on the Craig Ballantyne Facebook page

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